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CD Covers

Amram Adar Releases New Single From His Upcoming Album

It’s been almost six years since Miami native, Amram Adar released his debut album Baruch Hashem. Adar has been singing for most of his life, and his carefully trained voice is both eloquent and sp...

It’s Here! [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] Shmueli Ungar – Yiten Lecha – שמילי אונגר – יתן לך‎

Ask someone what their favorite songs from Shmuel Ungar’s debut album are and you might get different answers. Yishoma, Emes, Ma Yisron, but one song that everyone agrees together on, a favorite fr...

Gershon Veroba – Bayom Hahu (A Capella) feat. Ari Goldwag

Producer/performer Gershon Veroba’s new hit album “Ani Yisrael” has been received with great excitement, followed by a PR tour on radio and TV in US and Israel. Judging from the response, Gershon c...

Yonatan Stern and Yonatan Cohen sing Ivri Anochi-Accapella

עברי אנוכי אקפלה יונתן שטרן ונתנאל כהן

Yossef Abadi “Derech Menatzachat” Acapella

During the days of Sefirah, singer Yossef Abadi is releasing an a capella version of his song Derech Menatzachat. The words of the song were written by Rami Lev, and the track was arranged and prod...

Ari Goldwag – Ve’ahavta – A Cappella Video

A Cappella Soul 4 has been released… Which means that it’s time for another great video! In the video, Ari Goldwag and friends are back with a fun and entertaining story to accompany Meilech Kohn’s...