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Chasdei Lev, a non-profit organization which helps Rabbeim and their families enjoy their Yomim Tovim with the financial menuchas hanefesh which they so deserve, partnered up with some amazing musi...

Chasdei Hashem | Simcha Jacoby {Mordechai Shapiro Cover} שמחה יעקבי | חסדי ה’ קאבר

Simcha Jacoby Cover Video Originally by  Mordechai Shapiro Composed by  Baruch Levine

Pini Einhorn – Shomer Alienu 2.0 | The Electronic Version

Singer Pinny Einhorn is launching an electronic version of the song “Shomer Aleinu” from his debut album “Pinny”. Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry musical production. YouTube

Chai Hashem – Animated Version – Featuring Benzion Klatzko & Pinny Schachter

Chai Hashem is another in a series of Shabbas zemiros that Rabbi Klatzko and the Klatzko family have composed to renew the love and spirit of Shabbas in their home. The animation is a fun way to re...

Thank You IDF – Pinny Schachter – Sim Shalom (Official Video) – Composed by Benzion Klatzko

Rabbi Benzion Klatzko composed this song out of a passion for our brave brothers and sisters who risk their lives daily defending Eretz Yisrael. These young men and women are not fighters, they are...