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A Cappela

Shirei Pinchas 2 “Vzakeini Acapella” Feat. Shloime Gertner

Just 6 weeks ago, a dynamic new album featuring 10 original niggunim of Detroit resident Reb Pinchas Wolf was released. Shirei Pinchas vol. 2 was produced by the talented Doni Gross and featured th...

Reb Shloime Taussig Ein Gedula Acapella

About a month ago the song Ein Gedula from R’ Shloime Taussig was released, and it has already turned into a major hit that is played nightly at weddings and events. R’ Meshulem Greenberger compose...

Nemouel “Elokai” Acapella [Official Music Video]

After tens of thousands of views on YouTube and non-stop playing on various different radio stations, there is now an A Capella version of the hit song Elokai by singer Nemouel. He himself arranged...

Your favorite songs in vocal version: Accapella Soul 4

Shmueli Ungar: Live In Israel! Emes – שמילי אונגר הופעה חיה בישראל – אמת‎

Last Chol Hamoad Succos, Shmueli took Jerusalem by storm, at his own very first live show in the halls of בניני האומה. With thousands attending and no empty seat, Shmueli delivered an amazing perfo...