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Ani Yisroel

Gershon Veroba – Ani Yisrael [Official Music Video] גרשון ורובה – אני ישראל

It’s been nearly a decade since performer/composer/producer Gershon Veroba recorded a solo album of original songs. Now, with the release of “Ani Yisrael,” even long-time fans are pleasantly surpri...

Neshoma – Freilach Band ft. Avrum Chaim Green, Shira Choir – מקהלת שירה ילד הפלא ופריילך ״נשמה״‎

Performed live just last week at a wedding in the Rockleigh Country Club, watch this heartwarming rendition of “Neshoma” featuring renowned child soloist Avrum Chaim Green and Freilach Band. This m...

Chupa Song Birkat Kohanim by Dudi Knopfler ft. Shira Choir

יברכך ה’ וישמרך. יאר ה’ פניו אליך ויחנך. ישא ה’ פניו אליך. וישם לך שלום A traditional chuppah song from Sephardic origin makes the fitting journey to the weddings and chuppah canopies of New York’s...

Hartzig Hits! “Nafshi” and “Rachamana” – Simcha Jacoby and Duddy Jacoby

A Jacoby dual! Simcha Jacoby singing 2 recent hartzige hits with Duddy Jacoby at a wedding at The Royalty House in Detroit. The first song “Nafshi” is featured on Levy Falkowitz’ debut album “Achak...

Meheira ft. Freilach Band, Benny Friedman & Meshoreim Choir

Performed live at a recent wedding in Terrace on the Park, enjoy this first live rendition of “Meheira” featuring Benny Friedman and Freilach Band. Released on Benny’s latest album “Fill The World ...

Y-Studs – Don’t Let Me Down – Hanukkah

If you haven’t seen it yet, the Y-Studs just came out with their Chanukah music video! Its exciting, uplifting, and has already been getting a lot of attention. It even features one of the Jewish b...