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Chasoif | Naftali Blumenthal |Official Music Video

To date, Naftali Blumenthal, a young new singer and songwriter, has released original English compositions through music videos. His Youtube channel boasts a number of original compositions and he ...

[Video} Micha Gamerman – Bezochrenu Et Zion

[Video} Micha Gamerman –  Bezochrenu Et Zion We live in an age of technology, an age where it’s sometimes hard to remember that we are in golus. There are so many good things around us that are eas...

All New CD! Benny – Fill The World With Light – Test Drive Promo & Album Art!

Benny takes Fill The World With Light for a Test Drive! It’s been two years since Benny Friedman released Kol Haneshama Sheli, and the time has come for something brand new! That something is Fill ...

Rogers Park – Harninu [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

A Tribute to Chabad “Harninu” is the latest release from Rogers Park’s – “America’s Favorite Hassidic Folk Band.” Yosef Peysin, songwriter and vocalist for Rogers Park, explains why this niggun was...

Ki Lo Yidach – Yosef Zev Braver & Yanki Cohen

Yosef Zev Braver, who is not only an exceptional singer and performer, but a certified youth and parent coach, has teamed up with arranger Yanki Cohen to produce this breathtaking clip that was fil...

GAD ELBAZ ft NISSIM “L’chaim” Promo

A trip to an antique store catapults Israeli singing sensation Gad Elbaz back through the generations to a 19th century Ukrainian shtetl, a simpler time and place where, despite the lack of modern ...