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ARTSCROLL Free Download to Enhance Your Tishah B’Av

KINNOS FOR THE SIX MILLION KEDOSHIM (Holy Martyrs): The destruction of the Six Million is our own generation’s stark connection to the eternal Tishah B’Av. Two great and inspiring spiritual

REBBETZIN KENIEVSKY A Legendary Mother to All

Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky a”h, daughter of an extraordinary and illustrious Torah family, was one of the most remarkable, selfless, and beloved women of our time. Thousands of people — Sephardim

FORGIVENESS – Don’t Let Resentment Keep You Captive

Someone steps on your toe and apologizes; you forgive him. But what if someone steps on your ego? On your bank account? On your life? Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski –

IT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU Volume 3 – More Real Stories about Real People

A gang of leather-jacketed bikers confront an aged rabbi – and learn the power of holiness… The Klausenberger Rebbe gets lost in Montreal’s snowy streets – and a wandering Jewish

The Artscroll Children’s Book of Berachos

Bringing our blessings to life: The ArtScroll Children’s Book of Berachos Our children and grandchildren learned to love davening from Shmuel Blitz’s bestselling and beloved ArtScroll Children’s Si...

GREAT JEWISH SPEECHES – A collection of classic and inspirational messages from Torah personalities

Voices you can hear through eternity: Great Jewish Speeches * Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman, the Ramban, addresses his congregation in Barcelona. * Avraham Ben Avraham, the “righteous convert,” publicly ...