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Universal Studios President joins Chabad of the Valley’s Chanukah at CityWalk calling it amongst “the largest Chanukah events in the world”.

Photos by David Miller Studios Chabad of the Valley’s Chanukah at CityWalk has become an annual fixture on the L.A. calendar and is known to be the largest Chanukah celebration

Country Yossi Magazine September Issue

Country Yossi Sept issue hits the streets Friday featuring an exclusive interview with producer/composer/performer extraordinaire Eli Gerstner about his 2 amazing concerts scheduled for Chol Hamoed...

The Country Vues presents The CHEVRA, Eli Gerstner + Soloists of YBC

The Country Vues presents their 30th Anniversary SUMMER CONCERT SERIES starring THE CHEVRA featuring Eli Gerstner with soloists of YBC Sunday August 11th – 2 Shows! 5:30pm & 8pm The

The Country Vues presents UNCLE MOISHY, Eli Gerstner + Soloists of YBC

The Country Vues presents their 30th Anniversary SUMMER CONCERT SERIES starring UNCLE MOISHY featuring Eli Gerstner with soloists of YBC Sunday August 11th – 2 Shows! 12pm & 2:30pm The

Nachum Segal Hosts Eli Gerstner and The Chevra to Debut their new CD “Chai”

Excitement was in the air on this morning’s JM in the AM as Nachum Segal hosted Eli Gerstner and the all new Chevra to officially introduce the new members of

YBC LIVE ’13! Featuring YBC, Benny Friedman & The Chevra!

EG Productions presents the YBC LIVE 13, featuring the Yeshiva Boys Choir, Benny Friedman and The Chevra. The entire cast will also be singing a brand new song, written special