R' Yehuda Winzelberg - The Great Mitzvah Fair

Release date: 2023-12-04 Runtime: 53:06 Age range: 6+
Sale price $36.00
4 reviews

USB Stick
1 - Welcome to the Mitzvah Fair (03:44)
2 - The Bais HaMikdash (Ft. R’ Shloime Taussig) (04:53)
3 - Waiting for Moshiach (00:51)
4 - Ahavas Yisroel (Ft. Sruli Williger) (02:26)
5 - Mezuzah (03:33)
6 - Kibud Av V’Eim (Ft. Sruli Williger) (04:15)
7 - Chicken Soup? (02:32)
8 - Simchah (Ft. Hillel Kapnick) (03:21)
9 - Fishing with Zaidy (02:35)
10 - Oneg Shabbos (Ft. Sruli Williger) (03:35)
11 - GIZMO (01:16)
12 - Gut Yom Tov (Ft. Sruli Williger) (02:22)
13 - Do You Have Your Siddur? (00:26)
14 - Tefilah (Ft. Sruli Williger) (03:17)
15 - Tzedakah (05:03)
16 - Torah (Ft. Ari Goldwag) (04:01)
17 - And the Winner is... (01:48)
18 - Chashivas HaMitzvos (Ft. Hillel Kapnick) (03:12)
USB Memory +