Ancient Jewish Medicine
Throughout Jewish history, every community had a rabbi who
brought about cures and healing. These baalei shem - so called
because their techniques often involved using Divine Names in
amulets-possessed extensive knowledge about medicinal herbs
and other healing methods. Ancient Jewish Medicine, by Rabbi
Chaim Fuchs, includes a comprehensive survey of sources in the
Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, and Midrash, as well as medieval and
modern commentaries that discuss medicinal plants, flowers,
animal products, and metals. Readers will enjoy learning
about Jewish medicinal practices throughout history and how
they relate to Jewish law, as well as medical ethics and disease
This book is the product of the combined efforts and aspirations of Rabbi
Fuchs and Dr. Isaac Madeb. Dr. Madeb took an interest in Rabbi Fuchs's
work, especially in the field of urology, Dr. Madeb's area of expertise,
and encouraged the research and production of this book.
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