Yonatan Vinnik - Shivisi (Single)
Yonatan Vinnik is a musician and singer who’s a Boston native who is currently a Passaic resident. He is looking to share his music with the world by releasing his debut single which he composed himself. The song titled “Shivisi,” is a electronic dance song, which will hopefully be heard at Simchas in the near future. The lyrics from the chorus are from the Mishna Berura, and they struck a chord with Yonatan when he heard them in a shiur from his Rebbi. The rest of the lyrics are from the famous posuk of Shivisi. The song was arranged by Chatz Flam, a talented fifteen year old from Monsey NY and mixed and mastered by the amazing Hillel Kapnick.
For bookings, questions or comments, please email info@yonatanvinnik.com

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