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Moishe Roth & Shalom Vagshal Join Menachem Toker on Motzai Shabbat Live To Talk About Kumzing 2

This past motzei shabbos, Motzai Shabbat Live with Menachem Toker at Radio Kol Chai featured in the studio the band “HaMenagdim” and a in depth interview with Moishe Roth and

Pannel of Composers On “Motzai Shabbat Live” Holds Composing Contest

For the first time in the history of Charedi radio, a contest was held to choose the winning composition is taking place. The contest is being run by the Motzai

Nachum Segal Presents Shauly Waldner and his New CD Toiv Hashem

Nachum welcomed Shauly Waldner to this morning’s JM in the AM, live via telephone for the official debut of his debut CD “Toiv Hashem.” Nachum and Shauly discussed and played

Shauly Waldner: Tov Hashem – Coming Soon.

By: Sandy Eller Shauly Waldner. His name is almost as familiar as his golden voice, which has been gracing bandstands at simchos worldwide over the past five years. From Europe

Yachad Shivtei Yisroel – MBD Sings For The Siyum Hashas

Last night in Israel there was a great event L’chvoid HaTorah – A Siyum Hashas of Jerusalem at Teddy Stadium. The event included many of the Golei Hador headed by

Mendy Jerufi with a new wedding hit “Yismach”

Mendy Jerufi just released his second single from his upcoming album (his fourth) which will be released shortly. This new single ‘Yismach choson b’kallah, kallah tismach b’choson,’was composed and...