SPLASHNEWS-Jerusalem- It was Erev Shavuos with the sun shining, and the Kosel was bathed in the early morning glow. Perfect setting for the Hanachas Tefilin of 2012 Jewish Star Dovid Moskovits. After Shacharis there was spirited dancing infused by bochurim from Yeshivas Ner Moshe including Mordechai Hirsch who is Dovid’s long time chavrusa and seems to be almost like family. Special thanks to Mordechai for arranging this interview. There were rumors going around that Dovid may be involved in some other things as well here in Eretz Yisroel. After a breakfast overlooking the Kosel with friends and family, SPLASHNEWS sat down with the young star and this is what’s going on…
SPLASHNEWS- We hear that you may be doing more than just eating falafel here in Eretz Yisroel?
Dovid Moskovits– Yeah, I am recording a CD and I will actually be filming here for a music video in a couple days. The music video will use the song from the CD.
SN– Who is your producer?
DM– There are a bunch of people working on it but Zvika Bornstein is the main guy. The music is being done by Nochi Krohn and the video will be produced by Danny Finkelman.
SN– What’s this about a website?
DM– Yes, I now have a website, www.dovidmoskovits.com. The website features all of my videos as well as pictures and downloads. It also features videos from the New York Boys Choir (where Dovid is a soloist).
SN– How far do you plan on going with music? Are you afraid that your voice will change?
DM– I think it will change soon so I decided to learn an instrument. I am going to learn guitar and piano.
SN– How did your experience with Yitzy Bald in the NYBC help you?
DM– When I went to the choir, I didn’t know how to record at all in the beginning, but I built that up. It also showed me how the music business works and how to interact with people in the music business. In general it gave me more sense in the art of music.
SN– What was your most memorable concert?
DM– The most memorable was the Jewish Star concert. With the New York Boys Choir, we had a lot of fun at the Kid of Courage event but the top concert was probably our Chanukah concert with Dovid Gabay and Michoel Pruzansky.
SN- Who do you look up to as a singer?
DM– Avraham Fried, MBD, and Yaakov Shwekey. They are all really big and all have their own unique qualities. Bottom line is they are really talented and when I’m recording, I can do stuff that might sound better because I am influenced by the way they sing.
SN- What’s you favorite song?
DM– I don’t have one. I listen to all Jewish music, fast and slow.
SN– What’s your favorite food?
DM– Falafel and Shawarma.
We eagerly await the release of this brand new single which should be released shortly.
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