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Shimmy Shtauber Presents: Ani Maamin Ft Shi V’shevach Boys Choir

Just over two years ago, a 12 year old composer from Toronto presented us with the beautiful song Esa Einai, sung by Benny Friedman and recorded on his Kol Haneshama Sheli album in a duet with Shlo...

Benny Baderech: Chapter Two – Mexico City – Special Guest MBD

present to you Chapter Two: Mexico City. Join us as we take a trip through this beautiful city, joined by the legendary Mordechai Ben David for a wedding to remember! All aboard! Folks, since the d...

Review: Lev Tahor V

Listening to this album almost seems like a blast from the past, with the familiar sounds of the Lev Tahor trio filling the air. The voices we know and love from the previous Lev Tahor albums are b...

All New from Nachas – Emes

              Get ready for the latest and greatest from Nachas with Emes, featuring 13 all new tracks  Featuring compositions by  Ari Goldwag, Mordechai Brezel, Doni Gross, Eli Scharf, Sruli Bronc...

Izzy Kieffer – Uncork the Bottle – Audio Preview

                Enjoy this audio preview of Izzy Kieffer’s second album, Uncork the Bottle.  Featuring an assortment of songs by Shlomo Carlebach, Eli Gerstenre and Reb Chaim Banet, Kieffer give th...


There are rare moments of difficult times when a Neshomo has a deep desire to express both it’s pain and prayer in the form of a heartrending melody. Sometimes this inspiration can emanate even when...