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baruch chait

OutOfTowner reviews Vehiskin by Shloime Gertner

                    There are times that an album can be released and for some reason fall between the cracks. It could be an amazing album, featuring an accomplished performer, and produced by a t...

Inspiring Voice reviews…. Mendy Werzberger!

  After finding out that this is the Mendy Werzberger I grew up with as a child in Toronto, I felt really excited and happy for him that he was zoiche to release his own album. Then when I actually...

OutOfTowner Reviews Yesh Tikvah by Benny Friedman

                    What do you get when you combine an amazing and innovative producer (Avi Newmark), insanely talented vocalist (Benny Friedman), the top PR, marketing and graphics guru in Jewish...

OutOfTowner Reviews Tov Hashem by Shauly Waldner

                    I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a review. I actually have a bunch that I’ve started and for various reasons not finished. I hope this will be the first of a bunch of...

Inspiring Voice reviews Amrom Adar

I would like to call Amrom Adar a “new” star. However, this album came out  quite a few months ago so his popularity has definitely picked up across the universe. Now just in case you haven’t caugh...

Guest Review: Mendy Werzberger’s V’ani Tefilosi

By: Baruch Naftel Mendy Werzberger. This is the proof that you don’t have to be Shwekey or MBD to put out a killer album. Don’t get me wrong, Shwekey and MBD are awesome but once we have them we do...