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Avraham Fried

Hislahavus’ Review of Fried’s Ah Mechaye

                There had been a bit of a clamor of voices asking Avremel to return to a Yiddish album. After all, his Yiddish Gem series, along with his many random Yiddish songs scattered across ...

Concert Recap: Avraham Fried and Benny Friedman at Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan Concert

            “I sure hope this is legal,” I thought. Nopes, this is not the story of how I acquired the new Yoeli Greenfeld album last week. Those were my thoughts as I snuck into a parking spot jus...

Hislahavus’ Review of Yotzin Bashir, by The Heart and the Wellspring

A new Chabad niggunim album! Yes, I know that there are about 3 dozen on the market, but this one is really something special. HaLev VehaMaayan is a talented quintet, seemingly unknown outside of I...

OutOfTowner’s Perspective of HASC 26

              As many of you who have read my reviews in the past would know, I am a huge fan of the HASC concerts and wait every year for the CD and DVD to be released. I got hooked as a preteen a...

JTopBlogger’s Review of Benny Friedman: Yesh Tikvah

Wow! Ladies and gentleman, it has been waaay too long! Let me give you an update of the past few months. I got a new keyboard, I spilled soda on my computer and got it fixed (except for the much ne...

HASC 26: Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried

The HASC Summer Program Presents, A Time for Music 26! Featuring for the first time since HASC 17, Mordechai Ben David! If that isn’t enough, MBD will be paired with Avraham Fried! A concert lineup...