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“HaNe’eman” Seven Singers Sing the New Tune From Eli Yishai

Hundreds of listeners of Radio Kol Berama in Israel submitted lyrics to a melody composed by Eli Yishai. This week the song “HaNe’eman” made its debut to audiences everywhere and

Mendy Jerufi Releases Vocal Version “Kayol Taarog”

For the days of Sefira singer Mendy Jerufi releases this vocal version of the widely popular Chabad nigun Kayol Taarog. Click PLAY below to hear the song

“Aoufa Eshkonah” Like You’ve Never Heard It Before – Mendy Jerufi

Chasidic singer Mendy Jerufi had and continues to appears and perform at many celebrations/simchas over the years for the Abuchatzeira family. Over the years he noticed that the family and

Increase your joy with the new single from Mendy Jerufi “Ashrei”

The song “Ashrei” was composed after a meeting between Chasidic singer Mendy Jerufi and David Zingman. David Zigman wrote and composed the “Ashrei” after being exposed to the life story


Its been almost six years since Avraham Fried released Bein kach U’Bein Kach, and the time has FINALLY come for the next album. Ladies and gentlemen the wait is over!

Mendy Jerufi with a new wedding hit “Yismach”

Mendy Jerufi just released his second single from his upcoming album (his fourth) which will be released shortly. This new single ‘Yismach choson b’kallah, kallah tismach b’choson,’was composed and...