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Country Yossi Magazine #181 The Chanukah Issue

Country Yossi‘s spectacular Chanukah issue hits the streets Fri with an exclusive, in-depth look at the upcoming HASC 26 concert which will feature the long awaited (10 years) MBD and

Mitzvah Boulevard: Shuey Learns his Brochos TRAILER

Kids all over the world have been eagerly awaiting the next “Mitzvah Boulevard” and it’s finally here! Join Shuey and his friends as they travel down “Mitzvah Boulevard” gathering food

Coming soon! Mitzvah Boulevard 2!

Mitzvah Boulevard 2 has gone to print! For those of you with kids, that might be one of the most exciting things you have heard in months. Mitzvah Boulevard is

What’s Coming Up From MostlyMusic.com!

Mostly Music presents a one on one with Benny Friedman, Shauly Waldner, the Puppets of Mitzvah Boulevard, and Naftali Schnitzler discussing their new upcoming releases. Naftali is speaking as producer

Mitzvah Boulevard – Purim Update

Its been a year and a half since the world was introduced to Mitzvah Boulevard and their cast of charterers. While the creators are almost finished with the new edition

Pre-Pesach DVD sale

“Mitzvah Boulevard,” the best selling Children’s DVD of the year, is now on sale. It’s rare for a DVD go on sale, especially if the DVD is still selling well.