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Al Tira

Freilach feat. Simcha Leiner – Mi Adir

Simcha Leiner delivered a heartwarming performance and moved everyone that was present at this magnificent Chupa/Ceremony. Here you get a little glimpse into that performance with this tune Al Tira

Shirainu Presents Two More Amazing Pesach Concerts

Miami in Monsey Kineret in Lakewood


The next generation in Jewish music is about to begin! Never has there been such anticipation for a debut album as there currently is for the release of SIMCHA LEINER‘s

Exclusive Album Cover Release: Simcha Leiner

The next generation in Jewish music is about to begin! Never has there been such anticipation for a debut album as there currently is for the release of SIMCHA LEINER‘s


After more than 2 years, Yaakov Shwekey is back in concert in BROOKLYN! Following the recent release of his newest smash-hit album “Kolot“, Yaakov will be singing some of those

The Yesh Tikvah 2013 Pesach Tour – Dates

Looking for a good show this Pesach? Here is a full rundown of shows where Benny Friedman will be performing this Yom Tov season. Benny will be singing live along