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“Im Amarti Matah Ragli” Udi Davidi Sings R’ Meir Shapiro of Lublin

Singer and composer Udi Davidi is releasing a Chassidic song for the first time. A number of months after the release of the album Mechakeh LeSheket, which has already been

“Ochilo Lokel” Yitzchak Meir feat. Udi Davidi

Singer Yitzchak Meir is releasing a new album for the Yomim Noroim. The song “Ochilo” on the album was composed by the talented Rabbi Hillel Palai. This new version by

Udi Davidi With A New Song For Our Boys “May They Return Home Soon”

A week ago we didn’t even know their names, and now they are constantly on our minds, and we are all simply waiting to hear that they are coming back

The Calm Before The Storm Udi Davidi – Mechakeh LeSheket

Singer and composer Udi Davidi is in the final stretch towards completing his sixth album which will be launched God willing Purim. About a month ago Davidi released the song

Yossi Ben Atar Launches New Radio Program, “Melava Malka” On Radio Galei Yisrael & Radio Darom

The new series on Motzei Shabbos on the Galei Yisrael radio channel in Israel called “Melava Malka”, which is run by Yossi Ben Atar takes place every week. The program

An Evening of Great Production & Jewish Music: KUMZING 2

This past Wednesday night in Israel in a remote studio location the second KUMZING was filmed. For those who don’t remember, KUMZING was a very unique type of product released