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A Time for Celebration

HASC 25: Behind the scenes

Everyone is talking about last night’s HASC 25 concert labeled A T.I.M.E. For Celebration. Be it in Tweets, Facebook status or reviews. Since I wasn’t able to attend the concert

Yaron Gershovsky plays S. Dukes compositions on “Finding Forever”

When pianist Sarah Dukes sent her original piano-solo compositions to renown composer Yaron Gershovsky, she was hoping the famed musician would accept her request and lend his technical mastery tow...

New Video Promo of the Upcoming Mizumen Album!

Heshy Rubin, Srully Williger & Gideon Levine bring us the brand new super group, Mizumen! Enjoy this stunning video promo featuring 4 of the songs from the upcoming album, Do

Mizumen CD Cover

Here it is! The cover for the new super group Mizumen is finally here. Featuring  the voices of the very talented Heshy Rubin, Gideon Levine  and Srully Williger. Heshy Rubin

IN STORES NOW: New Chabad CD “NON-STOP CHABAD” by Zalman Goldstein

In honor of Chai Ellul, the 312th birthday of the Baal Shem Tov, and the 265th birthday of the “Alter Rebbe” Reb Schneur Zalman of Liadi, comes a brand new CD of


MY FIRST G-NOTES 3G SESSION By: Yossi Zweig Yesterday I was fortunate to sit in on a G-Notes 3G session. What is a G-Notes 3G session you might ask?  In