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Thoughts on Yitzy Spinner’s Shekel

It’s hard to quantify Yitzy Spinner’s new single Shekel, released just before Pesach. It doesn’t sound like typical Jewish music. But it doesn’t have that “I’m trying to kosherize pop/rock/rap/pick...

The Story Experience – REVIEW & ANALYSIS

The Stories of Rabbi Nachman Seltzer – A Shimmy Shtauber Production By Yitzy Stern How I came to know “The Story Experience” As an avid Jewish music fan, I try to keep my finger squarely on the pul...

Concert Recap: Avraham Fried and Benny Friedman at Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan Concert

            “I sure hope this is legal,” I thought. Nopes, this is not the story of how I acquired the new Yoeli Greenfeld album last week. Those were my thoughts as I snuck into a parking spot jus...

SPLASHNEWS-Review of Yoely Greenfeld-“Tizakeini”

SPLASHNEWS-People always ask me who I think has the best voice today. I usually give the top 3 in my opinion. Yoely is always in my top 3. Yes, I truly believe he is that good. He is also one of th...

OutOfTowner reviews Vehiskin by Shloime Gertner

                    There are times that an album can be released and for some reason fall between the cracks. It could be an amazing album, featuring an accomplished performer, and produced by a t...

OutOfTowner’s Perspective of HASC 26

              As many of you who have read my reviews in the past would know, I am a huge fan of the HASC concerts and wait every year for the CD and DVD to be released. I got hooked as a preteen a...