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JMDerech Review of The Chevra 4 (Chai)
What’s up JM Nation!? Before even listening to Chai, the Chevra’s newest CD, I could tell I’d be in for something good. I loved the album cover design. It’s different than the a...
OutofTowner Reviews Tizakeini by Yoely Greenfeld
Being that I am 40,000 feet up in the air right now, I have no way to check and see what I wrote to describe Yoely Greenfeld’s voice on his 1st album (no I am not paying Southwest A...
HILLELKAPS – Review Of Yoel Weiss’s Esa Einai
I haven’t really gotten around to to doing any reviews recently but I figured its been a while so here goes: The Album I’m going to be reviewing today is “Esa Einai” by Yoel Weiss...
Spotlight on Shloime Gertner’s Hear My Prayer
So often people forget that if you start with a solid composition, simplicity is the way to go. Hear My Prayer, a new single by Shloime Gertner, written in honor of the recent wedding of Stage an...
SPLASHNEWS Review of The Chevra-“Chai”
SPLASHNEWS- So “The Chevra” was an exciting part of history. Right? Wrong. Eli Gerstner and The Chevra are back with a brand new album! “Chai” is the culmination of a multi year...
OutOfTowner Reviews Eitan Katz-Shuvu
I would like to think that I have very diverse musical tastes. Of course I only listen to Jewish music so how diverse can it really be! I do think, however, that there are enoug...