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An Evening with Reb Yossele 80th Yahrtzeit with Stark, Hershtik, Muller, Lemmer & Rosenfeld

Join us for a historic concert in memory of the King of Cantors, Yossele Rosenblatt, on the anniversary of his eightieth yahretzeit (June 19, 1933 / 25 Sivan 5693) Featuring

Shabbat Chazanut with Cantors Yaakov Lemmer, Yaakov Yosef Stark and Pinchas Cohen

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND SHABBAT CHAAZNUT in association with the founders of cantors world Cantor YAAKOV LEMMER, Cantor YAAKOV YOSEF STARK, Cantor PINCHAS COHEN accompanied by the chazanut choir ens...

Cantor Yaakov Lemmer – V’yemalei Mishalosainu – Sampler

Cantor Yaakov Lemmer has been around the cantorial circle a lot in the last few years as well as performing around the world. Here is his debut album “V’yemalei Mishalosainu”