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Dovid Dachs

OHEL presents: Every Neshoma Can Soar Video

This video was created last year for OHEL’s Third Annual Benefit Concert. The video featured various OHEL programs and a unique song/lyrics created for OHEL. The video was created in


Song: I’m Still You Child Sung by: Shloime Daskal Off the Album: Poseach Es Yodecha 2008 Lyrics by: Chaim Reinman Composed by: Yitzy Waldner. This song was inspired by a

The first ever YEEDLE video interview on his latest album Lev Echod

We are proud to release the first in a series of video interviews. Yeedle Werdyger has been singing and making albums for the last 15 years. With his latest masterpiece

NEW Pruz music video – You’re Watching Me

This song was featured on Michoels latest album PRUZbul. You’re Watching Me was composed by Yitzy Waldner with lyrics done by female artist Chanale. The song is about how a

YOSSI MAYER IS HERE!!! See the Video Sampler

IN STORES NOW!!!. A beautiful album with a new rising star by the name of Yossi Mayer. His debut album will be called “Reb Meir Omer”. A GYL Production, Produced


Yeedle is approaching the finish line in assembling his fifth solo album. Years of meticulously selecting songs have resulted in a mix of brilliant melodies. He is featuring lively compositions